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S is off on today's (morning) shift... is snowing again, actually landing... very white and very quiet... not supposed to get more than a skiff, though - and it never lasts (so far, at least)... later today I have an appointment with vet for Mr. Popper - he's still not quite right (spraying and peeing inappropriately - not often but...

since our mail-forwarding / PO box situation has finally been straightened out, we went into New Minas to cancel the PO box there... was such a gorgeous day we decided to head up to "the mountains" to The Lookoff (elevation 597 feet) to see what else we could see in that area... gorgeous snowy landscape of the Minas basin! We...

was a nice day - bright, not too many clouds - so we decided to go for another drive, check out the Berwick area where S's new office is...

After quitting my job and a bit of reflection I decided that I need a more flexible work routine to enable us to have the lifestyle we envisioned when moving across the country - more time to enjoy - less time spend to working - and caregiving is the perfect fit. I applied to Senior Home Care by Angels...

The COVID shopping requirements are very similar to North Van - masks are required, 6 feet separation between customers, etc. I routinely go into the Atlantic Superstore in New Minas - I think I've only encountered a small line up to get in - there is one way in and one way out. Easy. You line up to go to...

Was a beautiful day and there was a house that had caught my eye on a real estate listing that I wanted to drive by, so we decided to take a road trip down to Annapolis Royal - this was where we had originally LOVED when we were down last year and wanted to see the area with fresh eyes...

Neither L nor I are really big on celebrating. When mom was living in Sechelt (keep in mind she was in her 80's when this story happens) she and her friends would dress up for the event and go to a couple of different house parties where they played games together and rang in the New Year - most times...

Christmas Day


Well... not a great day - as I am sure a lot of people found... S was in tears, missing everyone so much... seems so far from home on a day that we should/could usually be with friends and family...



When we moved I chose not to bring a lot of furniture - so for the first month all my clothes that didn't hang in the closet were in a big box in the bottom of the closet and on a small entertainment stand that our landlord had lent us. I was looking on Kijiji for a dresser and we...

Settling in...


We're slowly settling in... unpacking or at least rearranging boxes... making forays into the surrounding villages to see what's available... there are a few cute small shops here in Port Williams, and some farm markets up on the old highway (Hwy 1, aka the Evangeline Trail, is the old 2-lane highway; Hwy 101, aka the Harvest Highway, is the 4-lane...