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so... since S had done all the stuff re getting the insurance docs and $$ to the dealership a couple of days before we went to pick up the car, they had the ownership certificate ready (otherwise they would have had to mail it to her)... since she had everything she needed, I booked appointments for us at the provincial...

The Car...


Poor S has been agonizing about The Car - she really loved the Tiguan but is so not used to doing all the due diligence research entirely on her own... major purchase and so she has been combing Sources for input... but has finally decided to go for it, yay!!! it is so different from buying a vehicle here -...

The Job


Once we had settled into our routine during the first week I started to look for a job - applied for one, had 3 interviews over Zoom and was hired to start on the Tuesday after we got out of quarantine. Luckily we received our stuff on the Saturday prior to my start date so I had clothes. There...

YAY! we got a call this afternoon from the movers - they are ahead of schedule and will be here tomorrow around 10:00am with our Stuff! Originally they said would be something like 16-21 days... and since they picked it all up on Nov 23 (Monday after we left) we figured it would be later this coming week at best...

What to do??


Once we had settled into our routine I started to look for a job - applied for one, had 3 interviews over Zoom and was hired to start on the Tuesday (Dec 8) after we got out of quarantine. In the months before we moved I had been looking for a good used vehicle and had narrowed my search down...

Time passes


So the next few days were pretty quiet... just settling in (as much as we could with only the Stuff we had packed in our suitcases)... ordering necessities to be delivered (coffeemaker, toaster, bath mats, etc) from various places. Landlord did another grocery order for us (we'd only ordered the bare necessities to get us through the weekend) but...



Kind of weird being in quarantine with nothing that needs to be done as we have no stuff other than what we arrived on the plane with - L had the foresight to pack bowls, cutlery, a coffee pot (oh yeah - you DON'T want to be trapped with me and no coffee!!!) a baking sheet, and other essentials...

Our new home


When we finally resurfaced, we explored our new apartment - not that it took a long time, but hey... at least we were awake by then! it is 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom... my bedroom has the ensuite, with a walk-in shower with seating bench, just perfect!!! Sink has 2 deep drawers (YAY!!!) and under sink storage. Bedroom has a large...

Long before we booked our flights we read all of the traveling with pets information on the WestJet website and found that on any of the WestJet flights they only take 3 pets (regardless of size) in the hold - so we knew that one of our 4 cats would be going on the plane with us. When we originally...