
I feel better now... I don't have to take pills any more and mama says I look happier and am Behaving Myself More Betterly or something like that... Teddy has finally stopped harassing me so much... I would like to play but he still insists on playing His way... mama says I'm cricket and he's rugby... whatever that means....

Moo update


Took Mr Popper to the vet Thursday... he seems to have a light infection (shown in his pee) which may be causing his... issues.... so he is now on antibiotics, hopefully that will resolve things. He was good yesterday - even playing (or trying to) with the others, all of them... all seem happy enough together...

Our Furkids...


The cats are... well, 3/4 of them are getting along just fine - Sherman, Teddy, and Twinkie are best buds now, they play and romp happily together. Mr. Popper, not so much. He has always been a timid little fellow and is not settling in as easily as the others. Have been a few peeing (on S's stuff) and spraying...