Time passes


by L:

So the next few days were pretty quiet... just settling in (as much as we could with only the Stuff we had packed in our suitcases)... ordering necessities to be delivered (coffeemaker, toaster, bath mats, etc) from various places.  Landlord did another grocery order for us (we'd only ordered the bare necessities to get us through the weekend) but we didn't want to overload him with requests as he had been SO accommodating - so we had one lot delivered by taxi (wayyyyy too expensive) then found a local courier who would pick our stuff up - much much much cheaper!)...

nothing much to do - I had packed my laptop but the power cord decided to do a runner so it is dead... we can watch Amazon Prime on S's laptop, and also I brought both Kindle and Kobo readers... what with those and phone-games we somehow manage to fritter the days away...