The Car...


By L:

Poor S has been agonizing about The Car - she really loved the Tiguan but is so not used to doing all the due diligence research entirely on her own...  major purchase and so she has been combing Sources for input... but has finally decided to go for it, yay!!!  it is so different from buying a vehicle here - you have to get your insurance before you get the car (they won't let you buy it or change the title till you have that)... and you don't get plates from the  dealer - they give you a temporary insurance decal for your window - you have to go to Access Nova Scotia office (all provincial things are through them) to register the vehicle in  your name - once that is done they give you the plate.   THE plate - they only use a rear plate, none on the  front.

By S:

Car insurance here is all private - and the quotes I got from the 3 different vendors although similar were all a bit different. Finally I settled on TD as I have my home insurance with them and they gave me a discount for having both insurances - that was all done over the phone and I arranged for the funds for the vehicle to be wired to the dealership through the CIBC in West Van through our financial advisor there...CRAZY - banks are Monday - Friday here. And they don't have many evening hours.  

By L:

drove to Lower Sackville and picked up Shelagh's new car - niiiice ride!!!  came home, dropped Landlord's van back to him with a thank you tray of crackers and cheeses.   Nice shiny red SUV in our parking area!

by S:

Love my new Tiguan - its all-wheel drive, has brand-new (if cheap-ass) winter tires, lots of storage capacity, leather seats (heated front seats), panoramic sunroof (basically the whole roof is sunroof - over both front and back , and the front opens; lots of cool features (like steering wheel control  of radio) that will take some Investigation.   Would have preferred a different colour (is red, and  not my favourite shade of red) but whatever.   Is a great vehicle and I love it.