Our Furkids...


by L:

The cats are... well, 3/4 of them are getting along just fine - Sherman, Teddy, and Twinkie are best buds now, they play and romp happily together.  Mr. Popper, not so much. He has always been a timid little fellow and is not settling in as easily as the others. Have been a few peeing (on S's stuff) and spraying incidents - we have to watch him very closely... I talked to a vet here who does house calls only (a holistic vet) and she recommended taking him in to be checked for crystals (and that we should have 5 litterboxes if we have 4 cats - like we have room for that!!!)  S talked to the people at PetSmart and they suggested a pheromone spray that calms them - similar to Rescue Remedy - that settles them down... there is also a room diffuser of it so if the spray works in specific areas, I will get the m diffuser and see if we can make him happier...  We are also going to restrict them so that Sherman and Teddy don't go into my room - can be Moo's safe place - and he won't go into S's room.   Twinkie is such a pleasant uncomplicated little fellow he can go wherever he wants (except into the  cupboards and the dishwasher - we regularly have to extricate him).   In addition, since S's two tend to play at night, we've decided to let them have free range at night while my two are closed in my room  with me, then during the day when we are here, my two will have free range while hers sleep in the  bedroom.   Twinkie sleeps a lot (a LOT) anyhow so during  the day it is just Moo who wanders around, so he has time to sniff and explore "safely".   In the evening we let them all out so they can get acquainted.  Hopefully my little holstein will settle down soon...