grocery shopping


by S:

The COVID shopping requirements are very similar to North Van - masks are required, 6 feet separation between customers, etc. I routinely go into the Atlantic Superstore in New Minas - I think I've only encountered a small line up to get in - there is one way in and one way out. Easy. You line up to go to a cashier and are instructed which cashier to go to.

We decided to give Sobeys a try - also in New Minas and a bit closer than the Superstore (about a 4 min. difference) It's in the Country Fair Mall (the liquor store is in the same mall - I believe that may have been another reason for going there) I will give them another try because my first visit was not a happy one. Could have been the mood I was in, could have been a busier than normal pre-holiday day, not sure. They have directional arrows on the floor indicating which way they want customers to travel (I discovered on my next trip to the Superstore that they do as well but no one seems to care if you don't follow the arrows) and the other customers gave me very dirty looks for not abiding by the arrow directions. Anyone who has driven with me knows that I rarely follow the arrows in parking lots either - a character flaw by some standards. I digress...being my first trip to this store I had no idea where things were and I was in a bit of a hurry as L was waiting in the car and it was a cold day - so I was going up and down the aisles higgledy-piggledy and garnered many dirty looks which made it an unhappy shopping experience. Next time I go I will abide by the stupid arrows and hopefully I will like this store as it is nice to have a couple of options.