the girls go southwest


by L:

The snow had all cleared up and it was a lovely day so we decided to head down to Yarmouth, to see what that area is like and check out some properties...  its a pretty long drive but very scenic, especially when the highways split (they run concurrently in many areas which can be confusing because every other km or so the signposts alternate between Hwy 1 (the Evangeline Trail) to the newer "people mover" Hwy 101 (the Harvest Hwy) even though you haven't turned off... again - so little traffic even though it was Thursday... not knowing how much time we would want to spend in Yarmouth (what with lunch and all) we decided to take Hyw 101 down as much as possible then the slower more scenic Hwy 1 home so we made pretty good time... got to Yarmouth in about 2 1/2 hours, just in time for lunch... its not as big as we expected (it was just over 6500 in 2016 so probably still under 7.000 people) and had an interesting harbour... We stopped for lunch at a brewpub called Rudders, right on the waterfront... both decided to try the lobster sandwich and weren't impressed (too much mayo, more like  a toasted shrimp sandwich... wanted a lobster roll but the only ones they had had sauce on them and sounded ooky)... however, S was mightily impressed with the beer selection and prices (which were apparently ridiculously low compared to BC)... we drove by a couple of places we'd seen on the realty websites but were not too interested... 

the drive home was lovely, especially along Hwy 1 which hugs the coastline when it runs separately from the 101... so many lovely small hamlets, including those along the French Shore (so called as the area became home to many of the Acadians after they were expelled from the Grand Pre area in 1755, and is now home to Nova Scotia's largest French Acadian population) - it seemed odd to see street signs in both English and French (French first) and Tim Hortons French signage!    There are some very pretty villages, both along the shoreline and along the Sissiboo River (that name still makes both of us giggle - long story)... including the town of Weymouth which is quite nice and has some interesting stop signs - for both cars (on the street, regular size) and what we assume were for quads (on the trail, much smaller)...

finally home, long day but a happy one!